Nynäshamn 2006
A Swedish version of this article
In a
Allemande (fol. 1), Gavotte and the
beginning of Gavotte C'est l'amour (fol. 40) from the
Pourell's full name was
In 1658 Bertram Pourel met Catharina
Grubb in connection with teaching her brothers in French. At this time
Catharina was married to a Jakob Mårtensson, secretary to count Schering
Rosenhane. However, Jakob died in 1658. Bertram Pourel had also been married
earlier and had three children (two of which probably were named Samuel and
Abigail). The betrothal between Bertram and Catharina occurred in 1658, but we
have no information when they were married. From the 1670s there are several
entries about Bertram Pourel and Catharina Grubb concerning a conflict between
them and the mayor and the council of the city of
We have no information concerning the
birthday or the birthplace of
Elliest lärer Jag och oförtöfwat få en lyten gosse hyt... som är Sal
Språkmestaren Pourels son, dhen Jag elliest måste låta genom bibliothecarien
wid slottet informera, men effter och han har een mächta wacker röst wille Jag
wähl hälre honom desslykest hålla honom i Lidköping, dher allenast Eders
Erewyrdighet mig försäkra wille att han så wäl där kunde underwysat blifwa,
helst om Eders Erewyrdighet behagande taga honom till sig i huset, at han så
mycket bettre uplyst kunde wara. Hwad Eders Erewyrdighetz hesitimenter wid alt
dhetta wara kan förwänter Iag atförnimma och förblifwer i det öfriga
[I'm soon also
going to receive a small boy here... who is the son of the late teacher of
language Pourel. I have to let the boy be instructed by the librarian at the
castle, but as the boy has a exceptionally beautiful voice I would prefer to keep
him in Lidköping if Your Venerable can assure me that he will get as good
education there and even better if you could have him in your house to get a
good instruction. I expect to hear from you whether you have any doubts about
this. Yours .....][13]
In an undated letter from
Eders Hög Grefl. Excellences nådiga omwårdnadt om mig faderlöse
barn, gifwer mig den ödmiuke tiilförsigt att kunna
blifwa försedd medh något wist till mina studiers fortkompt och uppehälle förän
Eders Hög Grefl. Excellence mig fattig barn till
afsaknadt härifrån förreser, ty senast iag här lemnades sades mig i huset
kåsten upp, och benkläder ey heller på 3 åhr nutit, och icke någon information
i mina studier. Eders Hög Grefl. Excellence
fördenskiull iag af twungin nödh dhen förra nådige Resolution i diupeste
underdånighet copialiter under lit: A framtaar, medh ödmiuk böön dhen höga
nådige Resolution att åtniuta, män der så waar att Höglärde tyske Magisteren
intet förblifwer här i staden, mig då nådigast måtte förunnat att förblifwa ...
under någon annans information som af Eders Hög Grefl. Nåde der till befallat blifwer, då iag medh dhet samma fingo
excersera mig uthi fransöskan hos min broder som här nu ähr, och af det språket
profession giör. Eders Hög Grefl. Excellence
under hwilckens nådige beskydd iag lefwer beder iagh ödmiukelig om ett nådigt Resolutions åtniutande. Gudh som är alla
faderlösas fader skall iag troo-innerlig bedia att hans allmacht Eders Hög
Grefl. Excellence mang:faldelig här timmelig och ewigt
wälsignar och bekrönar
Eders Hög Grefl. Excellences
[Your Excellency's
most gracious care for me fatherless child gives me a humble hope to be
provided with something for the continuation of my studies and my subsistence
before Your Excellency leaves to the regrets of this poor child. The last time
I was left I did not get food in the house and I have not received any clothes
for three years and furthermore no tuition in my studies. I am therefore forced
to refer to the last gracious resolution, copied under lit. A,
and with the most humble appeal to be in receipt of this. As the German
teacher no longer stays in the city I hope most graciously to get tuition from
someone else who Your Excellency would command to fulfil this duty. I also
would be pleased to receive tuition in French from my brother who stays here now
and who has made a profession of tuition in this language. As being under Your
Excellency's patronage I humbly appeal to be in receipt of this resolution. I
will fervently pray to God, who is the father of all fatherless children, that his almighty power many times, now and
forever, will bless and crown Your Excellency.
Excellency's humble and obedient servant
According to Pourel himself he at a
venture went to
An autograph letter from
Obviously he belonged to the inner
musical circle around Olof Rudbeck the elder. Much later, in 1693, the latter
wrote a letter of recommendation to
Monsieur Pourel.
Jagh beder om ursäkt at
iag så länge fördröjt at swara på hans bref. Monsieur begär af mig et
testimonium om sitt lefwerne och förhållande här wijdh Academien den tijdh han
här warit, deslijkes om sine studier och exercicer; hwilken hans rättmätige
begäran iag kan mig så mycket mindre undandraga at
efterkoma som icke allenast mig, uthan allom här å orten nogsamt kunnigt är, at
han här fört et wackert och skickeligit lefwerne, deslijkest moget och wähl
idkat sine studier, särdeles studium Eloqventiæ, warandes det dertill et
nogsamt klart bewijs, at han ännu, ehuru han en rund tijdh ifrån Academien
warit hafwer likwähl hela blad och capitlen af dhe
wackraste Autoribus memoriter läsa och upräkna kan. Till samma sina wackra studier
har han och tillagt det, hwilket mycket till berömmandes är at han i den
angenehmaste konsten ibland alla artes liberales, Musiquen nembl. sigh wähl exercerat och så färdig giort, at iag kan räkna
honom för en af dhe Principales, som här iblandh Studenterne uthi Musiquen
under min direction warit hafwer. Hwilken berömlig exercice han sedermera,
sedan han Academien qvitterat hafwer, eij tillbaka satt, uthan så handhaft, at
han på dhe rareste musicaliske Instrumenter, nembl. Luta och Harpa sig öfwat och
färdig giort. Kunnandes iagh efter hans begäran eij obilligt
här med betyga, det han är den endeste och förste bland studenterne här wijdh
detta Kongl: Universitet som sigh med et wackra Instrumentet K: Davids Harpa
befattat hafwer, som är så mycket mehr lofwärdt, som han uthan någon anledning
eller någors Instruction derpå nådt en wacker perfection. Hwarför
förtiänar han med skähl som han och påstår, at han för månge andre som willia
heta Musici, ehrnå den Hedren at nämbnas Musicus Literatus.
Upsala d: 14 Junij Ao 1693
förblifwandes städse
M.H. Hans
Tiänstwillige O. Rudbeck.
I apologise
for not having answered your letter for so long. Monsieur is asking for a
testimony about his behaviour and his conditions at the university during the
time he has spent here as well as about his studies and training. This
legitimate request I cannot deny him as it is well known not only to me but to
all in this place that he has behaved very well and studied in a diligent and
mature way, particularly in "studium Eloqventiæ" which is proven by
the fact that he, in spite of his absence from the university for quite a long
time, still is able to read and enumerate whole pages and chapters by the best
authors. To these studies he has also added commendable exercises in the most
pleasing of the artes liberales, that is music, to the
extent and perfection that I have to mention him among the best of the students
in music which have been under my direction. These exercises and skills he has
furthermore continued after having left the university and maintained them in
such a way that he has exercised and perfected himself on the sweetest of
musical instruments, that is the
remaining obliging
O. Rudbeck][16]
Obviously Pourel had a great talent in
music and Rudbeck even calls him one of the leading among his students of
music. Already Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie had, as mentioned above, observed
Pourel's "exceptionally
beautiful voice". This meant that Pourel could rely upon an
active support from Rudbeck, as the latter highly appreciated good musicians.
The musical life at the
The musicians of the university, of which
Pourel probably was an active member, practised in the exercise-room of the
dancing-master, but also in the home of Rudbeck where many instruments as shown
above and a lot of printed and manuscript music were kept. Smaller
"concerts" probably were performed even if the concept of
"concert" in this period was unknown in
Probably in 1683 (the letter is undated
but was received on
Eders Hög Grefl. Excellence för dess högtbewyslige nåds och godhet
emot mig sin unga tienare kan iag aldrig tillfyllest berömma eller någon tydh
med ödmiukhet aftiäna. Liksom iagh nu wydh Academien stadd i mening att kunna göra migh igenom studier capabel till ett och annat
framsteg, så wähl som till Eders Hög Grefl. Excellences tiänst, men för
medellöshet ey så kan fortkomma, altderföre Eders Hög Excellence underdånig
ödmiukelig bediandes om någon help till dubbelt Stipendium, det enkla hafwer
Höglärde Hr Professor Rudbeck för längt sedan hulpiit mig till; dehrefter Eders
Högl Excellence nådigt resolverat på min förra ödmiuke supplique at iag först
skulle skaffa bewys af wederbörande om min Capacitet, så wysar iag nu här
byfogadt Ehrwyrdige Magister Israel Kolmodyns attestatum deröfwer, afwachtar
alt derföre Eders Högh Excellences nådige Handräckandes, med ödmiukt
förblifwande till min dödsstund
Eder Högl Grefl. Excellences
Ödmiukaste Tiänare Israel Pourel.
[I can never
enough or completely praise, nor anytime in all humility reciprocate the favour
and benevolence Your Excellency have shown me young servant. I am now at the
university in order to make myself capable of some progress through studies as
well as to the service of Your Excellency, but I cannot continue as I am
destitute of means. I therefore in obedience humbly beseech Your Excellency for
some help in order to get a double scholarship. The most learned professor
Rudbeck has long ago helped me to get the simple scholarship. After that Your
Excellency has graciously decided upon my former request that I should show
proof of my capacity and I hereby present the certificate of the Venerable Doctor
humble servant
The certificate,
dated 1681, by
Aldenstundh fordom fransöske språkmästarens Mons:
Pourels son Israel Pourel ben:d är till Upsala
ankommen i upsåth at här idka sina studier hwar till han icke med medel försedd
är uthan förtroor sigh kunna niuta något beneficium till studiernes understödh,
allenast någon säkerhet wore om hans Person, studier och qvaliteter kunnig at
han wore wärdt at något uppåkåsta och hans upkomst derigenom stodo till
förmoda; så hafwer iag efter anmodan icke annat kunnat uthan härmed betyga
hwadh som mig om honom kunigit är: Nembl. Uthi Upsala är han en Studiosus af
den profect som wäl swarar emot hans ålder, och hafwer synnerlig inclination
till studier, hwar till honom icke fattas godh hogh
och willia och är af Gudh begåfwadh med särdeles goda naturens gofwor, så at
förhoppning är, det han någon märkelig progress derwidh göra kan allenast han
icke för medellöshets skull eftersath warder. Derhoos är han och i Musicen
färdigh, så at han strax är worden antagen och afhållen widh musicen i Upsala
för sin färdighets skull i den konsten. Hwilcket iag här med i sanning
attestera will, och skiäligen honom sådant wittnesbörd meddelar der det kunde
honom till någon befordring och fromma lända.
Af Upsala den 15
Aprilis A:o 1681
[The late
French language master Monsr. Pourel's son, called Israel Pourel, has arrived
In Uppsala 15 April 1681
Israel Kolmodin. Fac:Th:Adj:et v.P:Ups:][23]
In the archive of the
During his whole life Pourel seems to
have lived under difficult economic circumstances. A letter, dated
From 1695 there are a few entries
concerning a lawsuit which Pourel had against a Mrs. Maria Bader about a
clavichord. According to the minutes from this lawsuit Israel Pourel had lent his
clavichord to a friend of his, the student Jacob Forster, who in his turn and
in connection with his depart from Stockholm had left it with Maria Bader.
Maria Bader was not willing to part with the clavichord until Pourel had proven
that he really was the owner of it. As witnesses Pourel summoned Jacob
Nordenstedt and Johan von Bergen who affirmed that the clavichord really
belonged to Pourel. The court also decided that Pourel should get the
clavichord back.[31] Johan von
Bergen was the brother of Christopher von Bergen, who in his turn was
About 1697 a correspondence started
between Pourel and the authorities concerning an assignation on Lars Månsson
Falkensten's salary amounting to 600 copper dollar. It
was probably the son of Lars Månsson Falkensten, Matthias Larsson, who had
assaulted Bertram Pourel to death in 1667. Israel Pourel claimed for the
assignation on Lars Månsson Falkensten's salary, which the Inland Revenue
Department already on
According to his estate inventory
Anno 1709 den 4 May, närwarande effter det lofl. Justitia Collegij förordning
Rådman Hr Adolf Norden och Notarien Gabriel Pontin, inwenterades och wärderades
den Qwarlåtenskap som fans effter Sal. Israel Pourel, som den 26 Dec:r 1707 är blefwen dödh, till rättelse för dess Arfwingar /:
dem dock ingen wiste namngifwer /: så och Creditorer. Närwarande
Borgaren och Slacktaren Matz Suneson med dess fullmechtige Hr Camrer Seurman.
Och befans som effterföllier Nembl:
[In the year
1709 on May 4th, the property left by the late Israel Pourel, who died on 26
December 1707, was registered and valued in the presence of the member of the
Magistrate's Court the city court judge Mr. Adolf Norden and the clerk Gabriel
Pontin, both appointed by the Department of Justice, to the observance of the
heirs (which no one knew by name) as well as the creditors. The citizen and
butcher Matz Suneson with his delegate the accountant Mr. Seurman. And the
following was found namely:
Böcker [Books]
Ol. Rudbecki
Atlantica med taflorne tom:1: [Olof Rudbecks Atland
eller Manhem...
Jacob Äyrun
Historiepher pro, uhius junis
Ciceronis omnia
Wang... Horol:principium
Jo: Linnai Not:regni Fracice tom. 2 [Linnæus, Johann.
Notitia regni Francice. Argentorati 1655]
process 1615
J. Lipsy de militia Romano [Lipsius, Justus, De
militia romana... Antwerpiæ olika upplagor 1596, 1598, 1602]
Th. Dempsteri a ... antiqvitates romana
L. Florus [Florus Lucius Annæus, Rerum Romanarum,
olika utgåvor med varierande titlar]
Schrawely Lexicon Gr:Lat:
[Schrevelius, Cornelius Lexicon manuale græco-latinum... Lipsiæ 1707]
J. Barclay
Argenis [Barclay, John, Argenis. 1659, 1664]
Amirati differt:e
politica [Ammirato, Scipione, ... disertationes politicæ... Francoforti 1618]
G. Ens Thesaurus
arithmetica [Agrelius, Nicolaus, Institutiones arithmeticæ... Stockholm 1700]
Commentarius de
regno adversus Machiavellum
C. Ruperti Florus
D. Martini Gram: Gallica
[Grammatica gallica... Argentorati 1619]
V. Maximi
J. Locceny jus
maritimum [Johannes Loccenius]
B. Gracian Homi
de cour [Gracian, Baltasar, L'homme de cour...Paris 1684?]
Gramatica Lat:
Bocoleri Instit:
D:o in Tacitum
Raggwali di
Joh: Hornæ i
Fabula Phædri
Insitit: Logicæ
Swänske Psalmbook
Rudimenta Logica
Landz och
G. Cieglery
Le ministre
3 yppersta Ertz
... Logica
V. Maxini
M. Hesenthaly
Athleta polit.
Sawedra idea
E. Wasenbergy
J. Locceny
Synopsis junis
A. Itteri Ethica
Nov. testam:
Fr. de Fernes
gramatica [De Fernes, Franįois, Institutio linguæ gallicæ... 1690, 1700]
B. Dyk idea
H. Grotie traite
de la verite etc [Hugo Grotius]
Er. Roterdamus
Ciceronis Officia
B. Stellari
Zodiæus vita
Instit: Iustiani
Danæ i Aphorismi
Introductio ad
patientiam manuductio ad coelum
Conseil privé
4 st.
Speelböcker med noter [four music copy-books]
Summa [The
total sum of] 52:30
Åtskillige Saker [Different things]
1 räckbålster med fiäder [one featherbed]
3 st. Örngått
med huller och håår [three whole pillow cases]
1 fäll med
öfwerdrag [one skin rag with cover]
1 bord [one
1 ståndsäng
[one bed]
1 bordtäcke gl
[gammal] [one table cover, old ]
1 eldgaffel
[one poker]
3 st.
trästolar söndrige [three chairs, broken ]
1 lyten spegel
gl [one and small mirror, old]
1 gl brun råck
[one old brown coat]
1 toffel
färgad d:o [one coloured
slipper do]
1 gl
Callmine... wäst [an old Callmine waistcoat]
1 gl brun wäst
[an old brown waistcoat]
1 p:r gl byxor [a pair of old trousers]
1 p:r gl handskar [a pair of old gloves]
2 st. gl
peruquer [two old wigs]
2 p:r Strumpor [two pairs of socks]
1 skiorta [one
2 st. d:o gl 1 lakan [two old do, one sheet]
1 sarviet [one
1 halsduuk, 1
p:r ärmar [one muffler, one pair of sleeves]
1 Eldföresask
[one tinder-box]
Skriffter och pappirer uti concept [Several publications and documents in
Summa [The
total sum of] 27:-
Summa Inv.
[The sum total of effects] Summa
Afgår [Deductions]
Förmyndar Cam:ns
provision effter Kongl. M:z förordning [The commission
of the Chamber of Guardianship according to the ordinance of the Government]
Sammaledes fattigpenningar [Likewise parish fund]
Mattz Suneson fordran för resterande huushyra effter rächning [The claims of
the butcher Mattz Suneson for the balance of the rent] Summa [The total sum of]
Alldenstund Betalande Skulden wijda öfwergår
egedombssumman, ty är intet öfrigit och i beholdh för Arfwingarne, blifwandes
förskrefwen egendomb lemnader Matz Suneson i händer emot dess hafvande fordran...
[As the debts to a great extent exceed the value of the property and
nothing else is left for the heirs-at-law, the described property was left to
Matz Suneson against his claims][33]
A page from the estate inventory after Israel Pourel, Stockholms stadsarkiv, Rådhusrätten och magistraten, Justitiekollegiet 1724/1
Inventariebok f. 158-161v showing that Pourel had owned four music copy-books.
The value of the property was 80 copper dollar,
upon which the butcher Mats Sunesson had a claim for more than 513 copper
dollar for rent. Pourel accordingly died destitute and in great debt. All the
property was left to Mats Sunesson. The collection of books indicates Pourel's
knowledge of languages, but part of it may have been inherited from his father
Bertram and his brothers. At least Pourel seems to have mastered both French
and Latin. The other seedy property shows that Pourel lived in poverty and in
the case he had any relatives still alive none of them bothered to look after
their rights of inheritance. Anyway, Pourel's name was known in
Nu lägges ned i ro den
mången rolig giorde.
Fast han sin Lute-klang med tårar ofta mängt,
Och på en Babel pil sin harpa afwog hängt,
Man honom uti lag dock altid nöjd försporde.
Så gick det med Lorell, som androm, de der lära
Sin konst fullkomligt ut: han altid spela fick
För dem, som uti dans för Lyckans pipa gick,
Fast han med tunger fot måst
Tidsens öde bära.
[Now he who
has made so many merry is buried,
Although he
often mingled the sound of his
And on an
arrow of
You always
knew that he in company was pleased.
This is what
happened to Lorell, as it did with others
Who completely
taught their art: he always was asked to play,
For those who
danced to the whistle of happiness,
Although he heavy-footed had to carry the Fate of the age.][34]
In the beginning of this article I
mentioned that a part of the
Fol. |
Title |
40 |
Gavotte [Unique?] |
40-40v |
Gavotte. C'est l'amour [qui nous menace.
Jean Baptiste Lully, Roland, Prologue LWV 65/13. Many concordances in Swedish
sources.] |
40v-41 |
Gique de [Valentin] Strobel [Many
concordances in Swedish sources.] |
41-41v |
Gavotte [Vieux Gautier, Courante
l'immortelle CLF, no. 66. Many concordances in Swedish sources.] |
41v-42 |
Gavotte [de luth de Mademoiselle
Königsmark. Several concordances in Swedish sources.] |
42-41v |
Gavotte [Unique?][38] |
42-42v |
[Without title, Sarabande? ABB'; last
three bars of B' should be identical to B. Unique?] |
42v |
[Siö Combatt = Combat naval. Concordances
S-L G 34 ff. 9-10 and |
43 |
[Without title, Sarabande? Unique?] |
43 |
Gavotte G mole [Unique?] |
43v |
Gavotte d'Appolon [Jean-Baptiste Lully,
Psyché, Act V, LWV 45/25] |
43v-44 |
[Without title, Gigue. Suites faciles
1703, no. 12] |
44 |
Sarabande [Pinel, CLF no. 66. Tuning A
d f# a d' f#'] |
44v |
Gavotte [Tuning A d f# a d' f#'.
Unique?] |
44v-45 |
[Without title, Allemande or Courante?. Tuning A d f# a d' f'. Unique?] |
45-45v |
[Sarabande J. Mercure. Corrupt version
of CLF no. 16] |
45v-46 |
Sarabande [Unique?] |
46-46v |
[Without title, Courante. Denis
Gaultier CLF no. 99 or Vieux Gautier CLF no. 27] |
46v-47 |
Courante la belle Homicide [Denis Gaultier
CLF no. 89 or Vieux Gautier
CLF no. 19] |
47 |
[Menuet, lacking seven last bars.
Concordance CZ-Pu Kk.73, p. 41 and several other Austrian and Bohemian
sources for |
47-47v |
La belle Homicide. Courante de M: Goutier
[Copied from Charles Mouton's Pičces de luth including many l.h. fingerings] |
48-48 |
Double de la belle homicide [Charles
Mouton, CLF no. 7, copied from Pičces de luth including the faulty chords at
the end!] |
48v-49 |
Courante C dur [Gaultier?. Several keyboard and |
49-49v |
Chiaconne de Montespan [Jacques Gallot,
CLF no. 25] |
50 |
[Aria , Johann Anton Losy, Vogl no. 72 in
JLSA 1981] |
50v |
Sarabande [Unique?] |
50v-51 |
[Courante, Pinel CLF no. 47 or Bocquet
CLF no. 14] |
51-51v |
Gavotte C Dur [Concordances in two
other Swedish sources] |
51v-52 |
Sarabande [Air pour les nymphes et les
zephirs. Concordances in three other
Swedish sources] |
52 |
Accord F mole par Octaves |
Whether or not there are any original
compositions by Pourel in the manuscript cannot be confirmed even if there at
the present state of knowledge seems to be a few unique pieces (nine in total),
which may have been composed by Pourel.[40] Otherwise
much of the contents is common repertoire found in many
This article was first published in Luths et luthistes en Occident - actes du colloque 13-15 mai 1998. Paris 1999, pp. 217-233.
[1] I am greatly indebted to the late Åke
Högman, whose excerpts and notes are the foundation of this article. Bengt
Kyhlberg's collection of excerpts in Svenskt musikhistoriskt arkiv has also
provided much information. This article was first published (in Swedish) in [
[2] On Niewerth see
Hinrich Niewerth - Lutenist at the Royal Swedish Court in
The Lute XXIV Part 2, 1984, pp. 69-75.
[3] Israel Pourel is not mentioned
COURT ET DROIT SENTIER A la LANGUE FRANĮOISE thet är: En Rätt Gånge-Wägh eller
Geenstigh. Till thett FRANSÖSKE eller FRANSYSKE Språåket.
ANNO 1650. This
was reprinted in 1690, but no copy has been located. DEO. REGI & AMICIS
VPSALIÆ Excudit Henricus Curio S.R.M. & Acad. Vpsal. Biblioph.
[5] The surname Pourel has also been located
to the villages Baccarat in Meurte-et-Moselle and Corcieux in
[6] Ravenelle, M.
Hatrize et son histoire.
Riksarkivet, Svea hovrätt EVIa 2aa:181
Stockholms stadsarkiv, Norre Förstadz
Protocoll Anno 1668; Rådhusets arkiv:
rannsakningar 1668; Rådhusrätten,
protokoll i kriminalmål 1668. Riksarkivet,
Biographica P:23
Stockholms stadsarkiv Bouppteckningar
Stockholms gatunamn, Stockholm 1982
p. 151
Riksarkivet, De la Gardieska
samlingen , serie C:I
Kjellberg, E. 'Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie och musiken' in Magnus Gabriel de
la Gardie. Skövde 1980 pp. 73ff.
Kyhlberg, B. Musiken i Uppsala under
stormaktstiden. 1. Uppsala 1974 p. 285.
Riksarkivet, De la Gardieska samlingen.
Ser C:1. E1527
Uppsala universitets arkiv F Va:. Uppsala universitets matrikel I-III. Uppsala
Riksarkivet, Biographica P:23
Norlind, T. 'Musiken i Uppsala under 1600-talet' in Kult och konst 1908
Walin, S. 'Musikinstrumenttermer i äldre svenska
lexikon' in Svensk
tidskrift för musikforskning 1948 p. 17.
Sohlmans musiklexikon 5. Stockholm
1979 p. 125.
Vi äro
musikanter alltifrån Skaraborg. Falköping 1983 pp.
Moberg, C-A., 'Olof Rudbeck d.ä. och musiken' in Rudbecksstudier.
Festskrift... Uppsala 1930 pp. 176ff. Norlind, T. 'Musiken
i Uppsala under 1600-talet' in
Kult och konst 1908 pp. 29ff.
Riksarkivet, De la Gardieska samlingen C:1 E1527
Riksarkivet De la Gardieska samlingen C:1 E1527
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek G191
Riksarkivet Biographica P:23
Riksarkivet Biographica P:23
Riksarkivet Kammarkollegiet kansliet A Ia:64 p. 3497
Riksarkivet Svea hovrätt Utslag B III a
Riksarkivet, Biographica P:23
Vadstena landsarkiv, Norrköpings
rådhusrätt och magistrat, bouppteckningar 1717, vol 1, p. 427
Stockholms stadsarkiv, Stockholms Norre
Förstads Civilprotokoll 1695, p. 747 (13/129) and p. 755 (19/12).
Uppsala universitets arkiv, X 240
Stockholms stadsarkiv, Rådhusrätten och
magistraten, Justitiekollegiet 1724/1 Inventariebok f.
Bergius, Bengt, Små-Saker Til Nöje och
Tidsfördrif. Fjerde Delen. Stockholm 1756 p. 66
Stockholms stadsarkiv, Klara församlings
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[36] Rudén, J.O.
Music in tablature.
[37] I am greatly indebted to Franįois-Pierre
Goy for his invaluable help in identifying the pieces in the manuscript.
[38] This Gavotte actually begins on the
second and third staffs of fol. 42 and continues and ends on the fourth staff
of fol. 41v. This discrepancy has not been observed by Rudén in his
Music in tablature.
[39] This Menuet has not been observed by
Rudén I'm grateful to Franįois-Pierre Goy for this information.
[40] Incipits to the unique works are given in
the appendix
Rudén, J.O. Stormaktstidens 10 i topp in
Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning
58/1976, pp. 25ff
Nielsen, O. Kjöbenhavns Historie og
Beskrivelse. V: Kjöbenhavn i Aarene 1660-1699 p. 337
Š Kenneth Sparr